My visual works have been greatly influenced by my professional background. By education I am a physicist and materials engineer.
I have been involved a lot in growing and studying crystals with touches of optics and lasers. From here I continued to geometric and symmetrical shapes that are reminiscent of the crystal structure.

Many of my ideas for certain images are born by themselves, but some are also born following an image I have seen. Here there is a dialogue between the idea and the material. One dictates the other and sometimes vice versa. And so new emarginated future or ancient, and mysterious worlds, are created,.

I work a lot around the idea of ​​light: with light, or through light. I explore the interaction of light in itself, of light in reaction with the models I build, and of geometric bodies by themselves. Through photography I show and emphasize certain aspects of light and the models. To do this, I work in a dark room and use various lighting such as a special light table, low-angle side lights, and laser lighting.

I work with various craft-related materials, such as sand, Bristol board, or kappa, which allow me to build 2D and 3D tabletop models. Sometimes I need to make small inventions to get what I saw in my imagination.

                                                                       Dan Gazit

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